The goods will be delivered to the delivery address you specify as soon as possible after your order is accepted. The delivery time depends on the goods, the selected shipping method and delivery location. The goods will be shipped only after the full purchase price has been credited to our account. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply return the items to us in their original condition within 14 working days starting from receipt date.*
Standard delivery shipping costs and duration
17,50€ shipping costs, 3 week days delivery time.
Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Benelux:
15,40€ shipping costs, 5 week days delivery time
France, Great Britain, Italy:
23,70€ shipping costs, 5 week days delivery time
Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Romania, Slowenia, Czech Republic, Hungary:
32,70€ shipping costs, 7 week days delivery time
Portugal, Spain:
52,20€ shipping costs, 5 week days delivery time
Greece, Slovakia, Turkey:
53,40€ shipping costs, 7 week days delivery time
Bulgaria, Malta, Cypres, Andorra:
71,30€ shipping costs, 7 week days delivery time
82.00€ shipping cost, 7-10+ week days delivery time.
Rest of the World:
82.00€ shipping cost, 10-21 week days delivery time.
Express delivery shipping costs and duration
on request
All prices are inclusive of VAT (Non-EU countries excluded)